The Sims 3 Update 1.63 (10/17/13)

17 Okt 2013
Super Patch (All Regions) ~ Download (1.6 GB)

Region 1 (USA) – Download (1.6 GB)
Region 2 (Europe, Australia & rest of the world) – Download (606 MB)
Region 3 (Asia) – Download (606 MB)
Region 5 (Japan) – Download (606 MB)

Digital Version – Download (606 MB)


This game update includes the following changes:

Into the Future Updates

♦ Loaded games no longer crash after saving and quitting while arriving in the future.
♦ Sim heads no longer appear on the bodies of Plumbots on display.
♦ Descendants can no longer own more than one house in the future.
♦ Future outfits purchased by pregnant Sims will no longer duplicate in the outfit picker.
♦ Future outfits purchased by pregnant Sims no longer disappear from the outfit picker when the baby arrives.
♦ Pregnant Sims keep their belly when wearing clothing purchased from the clothing pedestal.
♦ The projection paneling in the Bot Emporium is now interactive.
♦ The Time Portal will no longer disappear when travelling to the future.
♦ The colors of the trees in Utopia will now stay consistent when the camera is moved around.
♦ Fixed an issue with loading legacy statues.

University Life Updates
♦ Fixed Sims not always loading correctly when travelling to University.

♦ Fixed Sims sometimes losing family data when travelling.
♦ Fixed placement of elevator shafts.

Base Game Updates
♦ Fixed Sims sometimes turning invisible after a save/load.

MAC Updates♦ Improved stability and performance for Mac version.
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